CLUB Expression of Interest

CLUB Expression of Interest

These are all the CLUBs we currently have to offer.

To see what’s coming up, check here.

Art Expression – Adult & Junior

The Art Expression CLUB will introduce participants to a range of art mediums, to allow them to explore their interest in art forms as well as explore and identify feelings in themselves and others.
Over the 10 weeks of the CLUB they will learn a variety of art techniques for their personal use as well as share the joy of art and working together with their peers.
No previous art experience is required, but it is hoped that this CLUB will excite participants to continue to want to use art in the future for recreation and self expression.

Aquatic Exercise

This CLUB will provide an opportunity for clients to exercise and socialise with other people with similar needs and abilities in water. The medium of water can be supportive to assist with movement or can resist the movement if you are strength building. This weekly CLUB will use these properties to assist individuals to meet their health and fitness goals.

Blue Bird Café

The Blue Bird Cafe is a work skills program designed to help build job readiness skills within a simulated work environment. This will support you to achieve more independence, as well as provide greater social and economic participation.


Circus Club is aimed at participants aged 10yrs and over who are interested in exploring circus skills to work on their movement, coordination, balance, strength, and confidence doing physical activity in a group setting. All these skills generalise to everyday functional activities.

Cycle & Snack

The Cycle & Snack Club will provide participants with a safe bike riding experience using planned routes. Cycling with their peers, followed by refreshments allows the opportunity to practise social skills and make friends.
Those not interested in bike riding are invited to join the social component of this CLUB which will be held at a cafe on the route. The goal of the group is to extend participants’ cycling and communication skills, whilst having fun and to ultimately providing them with the confidence necessary to cycle for leisure and/or join a community cycle club.


EmpOURwered is for young women to meet together in a safe space to increase confidence as they learn about themselves and others, grow and build resilience. This will include making new friends, building confidence, nutrition, embracing individuality and more.

Food & Friends

Food & Friends is a therapist facilitated CLUB to build confidence around restaurant social skills and dining options, while discussing topics including food choices and preferences relating to visiting new food venues. This CLUB will allow participants to build on skills relating to restaurant etiquette, such as ordering from a menu, while exploring what Bunbury has to offer and engaging with the community. 

Woodwork – Adult & Junior

The Woodwork CLUB will introduce participants to several woodwork projects for them to explore their interest in hands-on construction, design and decoration within a social environment. The CLUB will encourage a sense of purpose, a high standard of work, and a sense of belonging as they build relationships within the group setting.

Work & Chat – Adult

Work & Chat CLUB is targeted at improving communication and social skills, planning, problem solving, developing routines and building independence in task completion. The goal is to support clients to develop and apply skills that can lead to potential paid/unpaid employment in the future.

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